Danny Betancourt

System Architect

14 years and going strong


This is a professional portfolio, but that's no reason to bombard you with buzzwords and an overbearing salespitch (that's what the CV is for). I'm an ordinary person—just like you—who took the time to express his eclectic mix of passions. From technology to language to music; I'm a thinker, a doer, and a problem solver. Please do enjoy your stay.


Senior Software Engineer



Sun, Aug 27, 2023 - Thu, Oct 24, 2024 Business goals addressed, problems solved, and value added:

  • Customer experience enhancements through resolution of bottlenecks in the fuel space
  • Customer experience enhancements through better UI/UX in checkout process
  • Maintainability enhancements through robust logging and reporting

Contract Lead Software Engineer



Sun, Feb 5, 2023 - Thu, Aug 24, 2023 Business goals addressed, problems solved, and value added:

  • Forecasting enhancements through improved simulation speed and quality
  • Data processing enhancements through leveraging HPC
  • Team compisition enhancements through mentorship and training

R&D Engineer II

Olive AI


Sun, May 9, 2021 - Thu, Feb 2, 2023 Business goals addressed, problems solved, and value added:

  • Customer satisfaction enhancements through improved AI interactions
  • Customer engagement enhancements through creation of new ecosystem
  • Prototyping enhancements through the assessment of new technologies

Fullstack Instructor


.NETNodeGinDjangoAngularQwikReactTest Driven DevelopmentCI/CDSQLNoSQL

Sun, Aug 16, 2020 - Thu, Jun 22, 2023 Business goals addressed, problems solved, and value added:

  • Student engagement enhancements through instruction and code-alongs
  • Curriculum and course offering enhacements through concent creation

Software Engineer



Sun, Jun 24, 2018 - Thu, May 6, 2021 Business goals addressed, problems solved, and value added:

  • Customer satisfaction enhancements through the modernization of legacy systems
  • Modularity enhancements through the parsing of a monolith
  • Security enhancements through the hardening of warehouse devices and IoT infrastructure

Software Developer

Audimation Services


Sun, Oct 31, 2010 - Thu, Jun 21, 2018 Business goals addressed, problems solved, and value added:

  • Customer engagement enhancements through the development of RPA course
  • Customer satisfaction enhancements through advanced analytics and reporting solutions
  • Organizational enhancements through the integration of external systems



Showcase 1 of 5: G♯


G♯ (G Sharp) is a rules-based programming language with syntax inspired by Go. It seamlessly integrates with C# and F# by leveraging .NET's Common Intermediate Language (CIL) and fills in some gaps in their capabilities.


Showcase 2 of 5:


AΔ (A Major) is a robotics framework built in .NET MAUI and designed to faciliate the development of robotics routines. It combines G#, C#, and F# code to compile Arduino and RaspberryPi assemblies.


Showcase 3 of 5: Arken


A piano-playing robot. Straightforward and glorious. (Video demonstration coming soon!)

Computer Science Crash Course: Ada to Zig

Showcase 4 of 5: Computer Science Crash Course: Ada to Zig


A Udemy course for those interested in learning or improving their programming. Not only that, a thorough understanding of the current technology landscape is given to assist those trying to find their way in their careers. Work in progress!

Polyglot Programming

Showcase 5 of 5: Polyglot Programming


A mobile app that introduces lesser known programming concepts and languages to developers and enthusiasts. Releasing soon!


In a nutshell, I'm a huge fan of the Kurzgesagt YouTube channel. At a certain tier, Patreon supporters get their very own bird to join the flock.

I'm a professional software engineer and translator with formal education and training. With regards to technology, I can help any business create or cement their online presence to better serve their customers; whether through a custom software solution or in-house training.

I'm still that little kid that wanted to be everything when he grew up. Staying up-to-date with the advancements in the industry is my priority, so I'm at home in any culture that is forward thinking and open to selecting the right tool for the job.

The name itself is tied to a delightful D&D memory. More to the point, it's a name I've grown fond of and—like any good artist—I use it to sign my works. Truly! Right click and look at this page's source.

When not trying to stay active with archery and rock climbing, I indulge in the arts. Perhaps I'll make another portfolio for my writing and compositions in the future.

